Everything about What is Digital Marketing.

8 min readMar 4, 2022
G-MarketingHub | Everything about What is Digital Marketing — An Overview for Beginners

It’s 2022 a time where digital marketing is booming rapidly with new and innovative technologies like automation through Ai and Machine learning in search engines, and social media in order to understand each individual and delivery effective content to them. And due to the pandemic staying online has been increased drastically so is the awareness of what is digital marketing to a lot of common users. Now before diving into the topics let me share a few statistics with you so that you could have a brief understanding of how powerful is Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing Fun Facts:

Did you know that in the past year there has been a hike in the usage of social media? On average more than three hours a day are spent on social media per user. The highest cut on usage percentage is given to Gen Z. According to recent social media platform reports, I’ve collected a few key reasons to be considered why Gen Z, Gen Y, Gen X, and Boomers use the internet? This data should be a useful resource for you as a fresh Digital marketer:

  1. Looking for new content,
  2. What’s trending/talked about,
  3. Following Celebrities/Influencers,
  4. Researching new products,
  5. Monitoring Brand updates,
  6. Livestream/Webinars,
  7. Sharing opinions, and
  8. Finding like-minded communities/groups.

Hope these pointers will be helpful for you and with that said let us dive into our main topic What is Digital Marketing?

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a simple process of selling your product or service online to the right customers. The term “selling through online” refers to radio, television, social media, search engine, email, etc (in simple all electronic devices). Through the methods of digital marketing, you can analyze, understand, and provide your customers what they actually need, from your service or product more effectively.

A deeper look into what is Digital Marketing!

Digital Marketing is mainly about finding your group of audience and converting them into customers by communicating online. Let’s take a look back, in the beginning, Digital Marketing focused on just showcasing to the audience about the product/service. Now many would have mentioned the first radio broadcast I get it but in order for a much better understanding, I provide you with the first television advertisement which was broadcasted on 1st of July 1941 and lasted approximately about ten seconds. The video ad was about Bulova Watch which conveyed a voice-over message “America runs on Bulova time.” with the below visual.

Ain’t that interesting!

Now after this period of time, advertisers or advertising agencies started to evolve and in order to stand out, they started to collect/track customer behavior, emotions, locations, and sustainability (i.e., Analytics) to a company’s product/service. Which led to personal level advertising like the example below.

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Looking back at history is fun! Now let us see how Digital Marketing has changed today. Digital Marketing is now a two-way communication method where a user has the ability to follow, interact and gather information from fellow customers about their favorite brands. This eventually forced the companies to use Digital Marketing platforms in a more human and effective way.

For example, In the beginning, Social Media platforms for a business were just about promoting their product/service. Later it has changed to customer support platforms where the customer shares either a positive or negative comment about their recent purchase/experience with their brand to the wider audience. This pushed businesses to adapt to the change of responding and actively monitoring their brand in social media in order to quickly appreciate/solve customer problems.

What are different types of Digital Marketing Methods?

There are an infinite number of different types of Digital Marketing methods, and it solely depends on how creative you are based on the technology evolution you are in. For the sake of simple understanding, I would provide you with a few types of Digital Marketing methods.

Content Marketing

I consider content marketing as the backbone of Digital Marketing because without proper content you can’t reach your set audience and build a community. With the power of the internet in your hand, you can create a social media page, website, random post design, etc, etc but if you are not having a proper catch-phrase (i.e., content) you aren’t going to move to the next level in your community.

Now let me tell you the goal of Content Marketing, the main purpose of Content Marketing is to find your set audience by communicating to them through various formats like blogs, designs, podcasts, webinars, etc, to build a community where they can find themself complete. The beauty of Content Marketing is that it can be shared on any platform without a need for a major change in the way it was structured.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is mainly about making connections with your audience community and understanding them so that you could provide your product/service in a better way. You can make connections with your community not only by social posts and comments but also by encouraging a product usage article/post by your customer, responding to a customer complaint, asking for reviews from a recently purchased customer, etc.

A good example would be our food order app that asks for our feedback on the recently delivered order. In simple each social platform has its own purpose that needs to be monitored and analyzed by businesses in order to succeed in it.

Website Marketing

Website Marketing is mainly about sharing as much information about your product/service to the actively looking customers. Once a customer finds you through the website the information shared should represent your brand’s goal for gaining their trust. In simple always remember, a Website will be your main platform for your customers to reach you out for business, so make sure you share true information in it and also encourage your visitors to share them on social platforms.

Video Marketing

There is nothing great than to watch and hear information, in fact, people enjoy the information that can entertain, educate, or just update themself about current situations through videos. And when I think about Video Marketing first thing popping to my mind is YouTube. During the pandemic crisis, people start to be online more to learn new things, be entrained, understand the situation visually and this can be possible on the YouTube platform.

Now you may think there are other major platforms for videos like Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, Josh, etc. I agree but when compared it’s not as good as YouTube. Let me give you some facts. Youtube has become the second-largest platform for people due to its accurate/vast search result. People go to YouTube to gather information about a product before purchase, learn new skills, relax, etc. Business/Brands/Young YouTubers find more success through Video Marketing when they combine it with SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is like holding the Brand’s name-board and dressing up like that brand’s character to attract/divert people into the store. Well, it is 2022 so you can do that by sitting at your home computer and promoting online for a good commission. In simple, Affiliate Marketing is a performance-based marketing system in which you earn some commission in the event of sales happening by your unique link.

Affiliate Marketing can be done in various forms like Blogs, videos, podcasts, etc. In the beginning Affiliate Marketing was just about sharing the links with a little information known by the affiliates but in recent periods people expect the affiliates to be true and loyal to their visitor/community before promoting a product/service.

What are the challenges in Digital Marketing?

Now that you had an understanding of what is digital marketing and a few of its types, it is time to see its challenges and find out whether it is suitable for you or not.

Digital Marketing methods need to be stayed updated frequently due to the promoting platforms’ regular changes. Like any other method, Digital Marketing also has its own set of rules that can be followed, broken at a minimal level, and broken at an extreme level for achieving results in promoting platforms. But the major challenge is sticking to the rules that were already written, it will be a slow improvement process but highly successful in the long term.

Internet is old and so are its datas’ we all had to agree on that, finding the latest information on the interest has become challenging when you’re a Digital Marketer. So if you are a newbie and want to understand the rules about what is Digital Marketing means, it will be very challenging to find the latest updates.

Since Digital Marketing is cheap and effective, the level of competition has increased to a very high-level, not only do Digital Marketers need to keep track of updates about the promoting platforms but also about the latest tools, ai techs in order to stay in the competition and survive. Due to this highly competitive field, many Digital marketers develop new skillsets like website codes, Design or learning automated tools, etc in order to stand out for the majority of local companies.

So these are the few challenges I would like to point out for you to get a better idea about what is Digital Marketing. Now for some, this could be a downfall but let me simplify this to you by pointing out a few questions that we consider you are perfect to be a Digital Marketer. Are you a person who likes to talk more logically? Do like to understand how things work? Do you analyze yourself frequently? And most importantly, Do you observe others/the situation around you?

If your answers are yes to at least three questions you are good to start your career in Digital Marketing. Leave your worries on what to study, how to stay updated, etc. I will take care of the that just make sure you subscribe to my newsletter so that I can keep a personal touch with you about the trends and also join the community to meet all levels of Digital Marketers who are happy to share their experience with you.


Now that you have got a ground-level idea of what is Digital Marketing you can start learning from today and improvise your skills quickly and become an awesome Digital Marketer soon. I had created a short ebook where I share my thoughts on where I began as a Digital Marketer if you are interested you can download that and begin your journey too. I wish you good luck and always stay updated.

Article Source | G-MarketingHub




Author of G-MarketingHub, a Digital Marketing Community compiling like-minded people for learning & sharing about Digital Marketing free.