Understanding SEO components | G-MarketingHub.com

3 min readFeb 25, 2022

Search Engine Optimization Beginners

Hello, my fellow Digital Marketers hope you’re doing good! So, today we will take a look at the three major components/elements that make you a better SEO professional. In the previous article on what SEO is and how important SEO is, I provided a basic overview of SEO; if you didn’t check it out, kindly go through it once. Now let’s jump straight into the topic…

Understanding SEO

The easiest way to understand SEO is to focus on three major elements that support search engine optimization, namely:

Understanding the Users

First, the users are considered the essential part of Search Engine Optimization; let me tell you why. The first thing to understand is that users are people like you and me who use search engines like Google and Bing to find something we heard about from our friends/family. People use various methods like words, images, and even videos to gather customer feedback and convert to a customer for the brands they like. The whole process of finding something they heard from their family/friends is considered to be users, and they are the ones driving SEO from a search engine’s perspective and guide professionals who practice SEO.

Understanding users from an SEO perspective | G-marketingHub.com

Understanding the Search Engines

Secondly, let us take a deeper look into the Search Engine themselves. Now the search engines are advanced-level platforms owned by technology companies. We all know the highly used search engine is Google, a company based out of Moutain View, California. As we all know, Google has been the key player in search engines for a very long time, but whether you like it or not, there are many other search engines out available and competing with Google right now. Let me share a few of the search engine names I came across while gathering information for this article; you can check them out if you are curious but make sure you finish my article first.

Popular Search Engines | G-marketingHub.com

Understanding the Search Engines Optimizers

Thirdly let us see about the search engine optimizers. Search Engine Optimizers are professionals who work on Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is a field, whereas Search Engine Optimizers are professional. Keep this in mind for a better understanding of this particular section. An obvious question would be, what does SEO do? In general, SEO does a lot of work to keep the website up and running smoothing but to keep things simple, an SEO professional would be a more significant influence on the organic rankings in the search engines. An important thing to remember is that SEO professional doesn’t usually work on paid advertising in general.

Understanding Search Engine Optimizer | G-MarketingHub.com

These are the three significant elements that support search engine optimization that every SEO professional must understand and work on to succeed through organic strategy.


Now that you have a deeper understanding of SEO and its functions, we can proceed further deep into SEO. In the upcoming articles, G-MarketingHub will provide a more profound knowledge of SEO’s importance, what drives the SEO market, and more in SEO elements motives.

Originally published at https://www.g-marketinghub.com on February 25, 2022.




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