What is SEO elements motives | G-marketingHub.com

4 min readFeb 28, 2022

Search Engine Optimization Beginners

Now that we know the major elements with some primary search engines let us look at the main SEO elements’ motives, and by understanding those, we can have a clear idea of what drives the market. For newcomers, kindly look at the Understanding SEO article before proceeding. With that said, let’s begin with the first element we discussed;

The Users

Currently, the number of internet users trying to find information is approximate around 62.5% when comparing it with the world population. And that’s more than half the population if you couldn’t believe it. Have you ever wondered what those many people are doing on the internet daily? Curious? Let’s take a peek at their window… The motivation of every single user is to find the most relevant information possible for any topic that they are interested in, at any time, and most importantly, in any language. Though it sounds impossible or like a dream come true, these are the key areas that search engines are solving. So remember, the motive of every single user is to find relevant information quickly. With that said, let’s move to the next element…

SEO Elements Motive | User Motive | G-MarketingHub.com

SEO Elements Motive | User Motive | G-MarketingHub.com

The Search Engines

We understand that search engines are working very hard to compete with human minds, but have you ever thought about the motive of the Search Engines to continue this endless evolution? Let’s dive into their algorithms, but before that, I will briefly overview how these search engines work to understand their motives better…

SEO Elements Motive | Search Engine Motive | Google suggestions | G-MarketingHub.com

SEO Elements Motive | Search Engine Motive | Google suggestions | G-MarketingHub.com

You see, search engines are trying to provide the most relevant results to users worldwide as quickly as possible. To achieve those quick results, they follow two methods…

  • The first method is the organic results in which Search Engine Optimizers take responsibility for keeping the site updated to date and running smoothly, following the search engine algorithms. In simple, what you see in the organic column of the search engine is non-paid results. Now you may get a question ‘how do search engines make money then?’ the answer follows…
SEO Elements Motive | Search Engine Motive | Google Organic Results | G-MarketingHub.com
  • The second method is paid advertising, in which you see ads either on top or bottom of the organic results. A simple fact to remember is that though search engines are free to use, they need money to run their business, so paid advertising plays a major in search engine revenue. Whether you could, believe it or not, half of Google’s revenue is generated from their PPC (Pay Per Click) platforms.
SEO Elements Motive | Search Engine Motive | Google Paid Results | G-MarketingHub.com

From this, you could have got an idea of what a search engine’s motive would be. Yes! You’re right. The base-level motivation is always the same for every business out there to attract a large audience to use their product or service. So what search engines do, is through organic results they are attracting a larger audience ( customers) and providing a paid service for a smaller audience ( business) where they can push themself on top of the page for a certain period at the cost of user click/engagement. I will take a closer look at the PPC platform soon. Whether you believe it or not, organic results are much more valuable than paid ads. Thus, SEO professionals are essential in the industry we are diving into next…

The Search Engine Optimizers

Search Engine Optimizers are always highly focused on the organic side of Search Engine Optimization. Since in the long run, organic results are generally more trusted by users, whereas paid ads are helpful only on special occasions. And when compared SEO with paid advertising, it is an entirely different process. The main motive of an SEO professional is pushing information ( i.e., Own/Clients Business) to the top of the search engine result page ( SERP) via organic methods to searchers who are actively looking for it worldwide.

SEO Elements Motive | SEO Professional Motive | G-MarketingHub.com


Now that you have gained knowledge on the key insight of how a Search Engine Optimizer and Search Engine Optimization work, we can move forward much deeper with confidence. The following article will be on which connects the SEO elements and relationship between the user, search engine, and SEO.

Word of Advice🧐: Search Engine Marketing is a powerful technique that needs to be mastered properly with time. Because mistakes done by SEOs will not only affect themself but also affects the business they are working for.

Promotion😜: But hopefully, with the help G-MakretingHub, you could learn everything and understand quickly.

Originally published at https://www.g-marketinghub.com on February 28, 2022.




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